Fake News , Website Evaluation and Standards- Oh My!
Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash I 💗the podcast "Fake News and Digital Literacy." I took Dr. Green's suggestion and listened to it while I walked the dog Thank goodness for the rap song because when I got home, it offered a great summary of what had been said so I could take notes. Since I am raising teenagers and studying library science, I sometimes do informal quizzing about information habits of the teens hanging out in my house. I ask them how they evaluate websites, organize their email, determine fake news etc. ( it all started when I took 706). Their favorite answers are, "I just know" and "I check the end of the website address" (you know .gov, .net, etc. ) According to these teens (a very small sample really) the ending of the website is all their teachers have taught them about online source evaluation (and and never use Wikipedia they say). Ever since I took 706 and did research on digital literacy, I've been pondering how you t...