Engage (or survive)
There are not many "famous" school librarians. In my head, Amy Hermon, host of the podcast School Librarians United is one of them. School Librarians United had its first episode in 2018, this week marks episode 210. As Amy mentioned multiple times, only one of her episodes mentions the AASL standards. "There just isn't an interest," she claims. The shared foundation I wanted to focus on for this interview was Engage. And in the sense that we problem solved, respected others viewpoints' and created new knowledge, we engaged. I really don't know how Hermon engages her students at school. She had a lot to say, none of it good, about the AASL standards and the state of libraries in Michigan. Even I asked direct questions where I defined the engage foundation and asked if she thought she did any of this, she didn't really answer the question. Most of this post will focus on questions 4 & 5. 4. What are some of the challenges that you face when...